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Overview of the BSc in Health and Community Studies program:

The program studies health on the society and community levels. This program will prepare students for current and new positions within government and private health and community service organizations. It will enrich graduates with the knowledge and skills regarding public health, health promotion, management of health organization systems, resource management, determinants of health (what affects health), principles for behavior change, and research and data analysis skills. 

The graduate will also learn a range of important and widely-applicable skills:

  1. Analysis and assessment of community-related and health-related problems

  2. Population health sciences (research, analysis, and interpretation of population data)

  3. Promotion of health in communities through assessment and intervention programs

  4. Community development and organization

  5. Foundations of health-promoting policy and program planning 

  6. Foundations of health economics and management of healthcare services

  7. Leadership and systems thinking 

  8. Communication skills and report-writing


Graduates will be qualified to work in designated fields of public health and community services whether in the private or government sector.


The BSc Majors:

The four major programs will take four years (126 credits) to complete, with the same core program in the first three years. Each program will have specific required courses in year 4. Students will choose a major after completing three years (six semesters). These are the available majors: 

Major ID NumberMajor Name in EnglishMajor Name in Arabic
19001BSc in Health and Community Studies / Public Health Practice

بكالوريوس العلوم في الصحة ودراسات المجتمع / ممارسة الصحة العامّة

19002BSc in Health and Community Studies / Healthcare Management

بكالوريوس العلوم في الصحة ودراسات المجتمع / إدارة الرعاية الصحية

19003BSc in Health and Community Studies / Health Research

 بكالوريوس العلوم في الصحة ودراسات المجتمع / أبحاث الصحة

19004BSc in Health and Community Studies / Community Health Development

بكالوريوس العلوم في الصحة ودراسات المجتمع / تنمية صحة المجتمع


Faculty Admission Criteria for the BSc Program

Students who hold secondary school certificate (Science major), or its equivalent, with a minimum percentage of 80% are eligible for admission into the BSc program.

Priority of admission will be given to applicants who have the highest secondary school cumulative GPA based on the secondary school percentage and the results of aptitude tests according to the following weightings:

  • Secondary School Grades....................... 70%

  • English Language Aptitude Test............... 15%

  • Mathematics Aptitude Test ...................... 15%


Transfer Regulations

Transfer of students from other KU faculties will be allowed, according to the regulations of the University and Faculty of Public Health.


Work Placements

Governmental Sector:

Ministry of HealthKuwait UniversityDasman Diabetes Institute, Public Authority for Food and Nutrition, Ministry of Defense (health services dept.)Ministry of social affairs and labor, The public authority of manpower..etc.


Private sector:

Private hospitals, Companies that provide healthcare services, Insurance Companies, Large industrial companies.


Oil sector

Healthcare services, Occupational healthcare

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